Instant implementation

Software-as-a-Service, or SaaS, can give your company the benefits of functionality-rich software, just without a lot of the normal headaches. Instead of having to set up servers on site or at a hosting center, you can have SaaS turned on and ready to use at a moments notice. Almost like water.

on demand. use now.

caSaaS web CMS puts it all together in one, neat package. Which also means that you don't have to worry about bandwidth, backup, and redundancy plan. All is taken care of, so you and your co-workers can work safely on your website from almost anywhere.

In the process you avoid creating internal bottlenecks that often come with new IT projects. Your caSaaS Creative Partner and your caSaaS Value-Added Service Partner work together to make it fast and easy on your organization. And the concept of SaaS enables this efficient division of labor.

monthly payment. none up-front.

Unlike many other IT solutions, you can have caSaaS web CMS turned on to your specifications without having to pay a huge license fee up front. One, low monthly payment keeps it all going your way.