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Websites by Kris

Websites by Kris

50 Barrett Parkway
Suite 3005-136
Marietta, Georgia
Phone: 678.386.8195

What is your business goal? Websites by Kris brings over 20 years of IT experience plus a team of equally smart folks to your project. Kris learns about your company's business needs before creating your online marketing agent.

Selected custom designs

Walden Businesses, Inc.

Fully relational Data Lists drive this multi-location business broker website. Prospects may filter businesses available by industry, location, and revenue - and search by keywords.

Selected custom QuickLayouts

Adar Dental

A custom QuickLayout powers this dental specialist website. Subsites focus on each target group, ensuring uncluttered, relevant information - AND top SEO performance.

D&B Cleaning Solutions

This commercial office cleaning specialist wanted to expand its brand in the metro Atlanta area. A mix of slide shows and newsletters keeps customers and prospects informed.

Classic Benefits

Four days from decision to publishing - this solution emits competence and professionalism. Based on a customized QuickLayout, this site may add blog and e-mail newsletters almost instantly.